“The essence of math is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple.” — Stan Gudder
An essential life skill that permeates all aspects of life, the language of mathematics is an international one.
At Bartley CE Junior School, our intent is to inspire enjoyment, confidence and a deeper understanding of the wonders of mathematics and its applications in everyday life and beyond.
Through carefully sequenced and structured steps, learners are exposed to a variety of ways of thinking and are guided to think creatively and with developing efficiency. They cultivate their fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills through engaging and appropriately challenging tasks, developing a deep understanding of the subject through a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. This ensures learners have the greatest possible opportunity to secure confidence in their understanding of the concepts they are learning.
If you would like to learn more about how we structure and teach times tables, then follow this link to our dedicated 'Times Tables at Bartley' page in the 'Maths Zone' of the 'Home Learning' area.
Our School Mathematics Policy can be found here.
As we use the White Rose Maths scheme of learning, we currently follow their Calculation Policies. You can find more information by clicking on the images, below:
Addition and Subtraction |
Multiplication and Division |