Home Learning
Home Learning expectations.
At Bartley School we would like to encourage the children to continue to enjoy their learning at home. We believe this will help them to embed the learning they have completed in school. Over each week we would like all children to complete the following.
- Please read with your child at least five times a week and sign their reading diary to confirm this has been completed. This could be a book from home, book from school or Bug Club book. Sharing a book and reading to your child will also give them experience of richer texts.
- Ensure that at least two of the reading sessions are on the Bug Club site, answering the questions related to the book.
- In addition, one of the home learning challenges could also be to write a book review (please find examples and a template in classrooms or on the website).
- To compete on Times Tables Rock Stars at least three times a week. Please encourage your child to explore the different games. Your child’s teacher may set them some specific times tables to focus on; although, most children will have access to all of the times tables with TTRS adjusting its games to meet the needs of individuals.
- To complete the specific area of learning on your child's 'White Rose Maths - Practice Journals'. These are handed out to children at the beginning of the year. You can find the answers to the questions your child has answered here:
Year 1 book, Year 2 , Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
- For further - non-screen based - times tables activities, make sure you keep an eye on the half termly newsletter for suggestions, as well as those in the 'Times Tables at Bartley' page in the 'Maths Zone' area of the school website.
- Try to involve your child in as much real life maths as possible throughout the week. For example, telling the time, using money, recognising shapes in the environment and measurement.
- Use examples from the website that show different methods learnt in class.
- ...if your child comes home with a set of spellings or spelling sounds, please spend time at home helping your child to practise them.
- ...read over and learn Year 3/4 or Year 5/6 National Curriculum statutory spelling words.
- ...play games and activities that help encourage thoughtful construction of words e.g. Boggle, Scrabble, Wordle, Hangman, Crosswords etc.
Children could also choose do some extra work on their current or future topic area. These are available as overviews on the website. They could:
- Read about the topic
- Create an information page of their own.
- Create art linked to the topic or artists that follow that theme.
- Form word banks that could be shared and discussed in class.