Maths Links
Click on the following links to access downloadable number resources to use at home:
Use these to build understanding of the value of each digit in a number by lining up the arrows. These are most effective when each set (units, tens, hundreds...) are printed on different colour card.
These number cards can be printed and cut up to form sets to play a wide variety of number games with. At their simplest, they could be used for ordering numbers. You might also include some number operation cards (+, -, x, ÷) to help practise mental calculation strategies.
A 100 square is very useful for helping to build an understanding of the number system. Also included in this download are 100 ideas for using it!
Place value charts (units to thousands) (decimals)
Place value charts are useful for identifying the position of each digit and what it is worth.
Use these to practise recall of times tables facts.
Two multiplication grids are included; one completed and the other blank. The 1x, 2x, 5x and 10x tables are all shaded as these are the ones that most students tend to learn first. The completed grid can be used to support students who have difficulties with tables to enable them to learn new procedures.
At Bartley CE Junior School, we subscribe to the 'Times Tables Rock Stars' site. Your child will have been given a username and password for access. Click on the image below to be taken to the site.
Click on the following links for additional ICT based activities.
Please be aware that, whilst every effort is made to check the suitability and appropriateness of the material contained in each link, it is advisable for parents to review each first and monitor their use.
The following sites and resources are great for helping to secure the key number facts.
Hit the Button
Family Learning Multiplication Games - tests and quizzes
(Practice games are also available on the 'Games' tab)
Further Links
The following websites host a range of fun games to play across a wide range of mathematical topics, including further multiplication games and tests.
For those parents wishing to brush up on some of their skills in a fun way, the final link is for you.
BBC Bitesize Maths
Crickweb Maths
Woodlands Maths Zone
Maths Games
Cool Math 4 Kids
If you can suggest any other great pages then we would love to hear about them so that they can be added to this list.