Bartley C of E Junior School

Think for yourself, act for each other

02380 812173

Winsor Road, Southampton, Hampshire, SO40 2HR

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Save the Date

It is the 85th anniversary of the school being built on 16th April 1939/2024
To celebrate this with former staff, pupils and Governors who attended the school between 1939 and 2000, the following events will take place, so please save the date:
Friday 19th April will be tea and cake in the afternoon
Saturday 20th April will be a BBQ with a bar
There will be more details and how to book a place early in January.





The school and its setting


Bartley Church of England Junior School is situated within the New Forest National Park Heritage area and is within easy reach of Southampton, Bournemouth, Winchester and Salisbury. There are a number of sites of outstanding natural beauty and historical interest within this area.

The catchment area includes Bank, Bartley, Beaulieu Road Station, Bramshaw, Brook, Cadnam, Copythorne, Denny Lodge, Emery Down, Fritham, Furzley, Lyndhurst, Minstead, Netley Marsh, Newbridge, Winsor and Woodlands.

Bartley is served by Copythorne, Lyndhurst and Netley Marsh Infant Schools and the majority of children transfer to Hounsdown Secondary School at age eleven.

Bartley became a Junior School in September 1993 having previously been a Middle School from 1977-1993 and a Secondary School from 1939-1977. The School has outstanding facilities including: a large hall with stage lights, gymnasium with changing rooms, extensive playing fields, a large play area, a purpose built curved library, music room, art room, food technology room and an outdoor environmental educational area. The children are accommodated in well equipped classrooms, and there is a room available for children who need specific assistance with their individual needs.