Bartley C of E Junior School

Think for yourself, act for each other

02380 812173

Winsor Road, Southampton, Hampshire, SO40 2HR

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Year 6 SATs

A message to our Year 6 children

Dear Year 6 children

You have made us all so proud with your outstanding effort and attitude – not only over the course of this year but also over the course of your time at Bartley C of E Junior School!

You have never given up on your learning, even in the face of a global pandemic and the disrupted learning time that came with it. 

A truly special group, your hard work and dedication to making progress in your learning has drawn admiration from across the school community. You have been part of revision lessons and, some of you, booster groups.  These have often been filled with laughter and always with a firm commitment to deepening your understanding, or learning something you were not so secure with.

Throughout, you have continued to smile and be positive and have made coming to school a pleasure for your teachers, teaching assistants and all of the adults who have worked with you.  For this, we are grateful and we thank you.  You make the hard work worth it!

Now the time has come, we collectively wish you all the best for your SATs – a small moment in time to share some of what you have learned at school.  However, we know that this will only show a fraction of your achievements and what makes you, you!  You have developed all manner of skills and attributes that no test can assess.  We are privileged to know such a wonderful group of: artists, sports people, musicians, comedians, entertainers, communicators, designers, historians and so much more!  Most importantly though, you are amazing, kind, friendly young people who are just fantastic to be around!

We wish you luck in your tests, but please know that you are super, successful and much loved people whatever your results!

The Year 6 Team and the Bartley school community



Below, you will find the presentation slides for the parents' SATs information evening.  You can also find further guidance and resources for Reading, SPaG and Maths on your child's Showbie account.  Please contact your child's class teacher if you would like any further information.

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