'Reading is the gateway for children that makes all other learning possible.'
Barack Obama
Reading at Bartley CE Junior School
We believe that a close partnership with parents is essential for children to benefit most from their time at Bartley CE Junior School. Our intent is to help all children enjoy reading and see it as a pleasurable leisure activity, as well as a means of following instructions and finding things out. To have the reading skills necessary to read and interpret a range of text types for pleasure, information and for their futures. To leave Bartley as confident and competent readers.
At Bartley CE Junior School we encourage each child to read at home daily, whether that is to an adult (for developing readers) or independently (for fluent readers). Generally, children select their own reading material, either from the library or home. Children are responsible for changing their own reading books from the library, with advice or support, if needed, from our Librarian or the Class Teacher. In class they will receive a merit each week for evidence of reading at home at least 5 times a week (shown by a comment and/or signature in their reading diary). Each term, children will have the opportunity to earn a Home Reading Award for demonstrating their commitment to reading at home.
We teach whole class reading lessons, with the Class Teacher and a Teaching Assistant, every day. We call this Book Study. During book study, the children read text from a class book and complete tasks which develop comprehension skills, such as discussing the meaning of words, retrieval of information, inferring and developing opinions from the text and prediction. The children read the text independently, with peer reading buddies or listen to the teacher reading aloud. Much of the text or story will be read the day before as a class read in the afternoon. Each task is adapted to consider individual needs so every child can access the text at their level. In addition to this children have the opportunity to read their own books (fiction and non-fiction) in class, either independently, with a peer or individually with the teacher. Also all children have the opportunity to discuss and complete further comprehension activities in class.
For those children who need extra support with their reading we have daily allocated Teaching Assistant support who have been trained and teach interventions such as our new phonics programme, Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised 7+. Please see our Phonics section for more information. Further interventions may include, five minute box and Rapid Reading for those not following the Little Wandle phonics programme. In addition to this, we use the valuable support of Parent and peer readers, where possible. We also follow the 'Reading Plus' programme which supports identified children to develop their reading fluency and stamina. 3 times a week.
We have a diverse range of books to support your child’s reading within the school, and we hope this will enable your child to experience a range of authors and styles of books. Bug Club is a scheme we use with all year 3 and 4 children. It helps to support your child at their individual level. This is also linked to the Little Wandle programme for consistency. The children have the opportunity to chose a Bug Club book from the library to read at home and in class. They can also access Bug Club books, which are allocated by each class teacher, on line. These books provide the opportunity to develop fluency of reading and comprehension skills.
In English, there are many further opportunities to read and learn from stories and a variety of other texts. Each year group also works on additional comprehension activities through the week to develop essential skills. A diverse range of texts are used across the school to inspire the children and help them understand and develop their own use of rich and varied language.
World Book Day 2024
What amazing contributions all the children have made to celebrate World book day! From wooden spoon and plate characters to dioramas, the level of detail has been outstanding. We have had such fun looking at all the art work. The winning entries will be announced on Monday.
Thank you to all the children and adults who enjoyed making reading dens. They look very cosy and quiet places to read your books.
World Book Day
We were all amazed at the time and effort everyone spent on World Book Day this year. Look at this amazing art which has been created to represent our children's favourite books. Can you guess what the books are?